A mild winter may lull us into a false sense of security, snow and frost can catch us unprepared. We have compiled a list of tips on how to avoid snow risks as much as possible and protect your property and yourself.

1. Preparing Your Car for Winter

Snow, frost and shorter daylight hours tend to cause more car accidents - in winter we most often receive CASCO insurance claims from customers for accidents caused by a car slipping, sliding off the road, hitting an obstacle or colliding with a wild animal. Cars are also damaged in winter when snow or ice falls - from roofs or from the car driving in the front. Remember that reckless driving in winter condition also endangers other road users!

What to do to drive safely in winter:

  • Check the tread on the tyres - remember that the minimum tread depth in winter is 4 mm. Even if your tyres were in good condition at the start of winter, it will not hurt to check the tread for wear later.
  • Fill up your winter windshield fluid so that it does not freeze when the weather gets colder.
  • Check the battery - it is under more strain in cold weather and, especially for those who use the car infrequently or for short trips, it would be important to have it serviced before the cold season to check the battery's performance and possibly recharge it.
  • Check the ABS or anti-skid braking system, which will help you brake better on slippery roads.
  • Get winter aids - make sure you have a snow brush, ice scraper, shovel, gloves and battery charging cables or 'crocodile clamps' (it is also a good idea to brush up your knowledge on how to use them!).
  • Drive carefully! Keep a safe distance, brake in due time and choose a speed that suits the weather.
  • Get CASCO insurance, which will not only cover damage to your car, but also help you in unexpected situations, such as when you cannot get your car to start in the morning or when you have problems on the road.

2. Home Safety in Winter

During the winter months, the average insurance claim increases by around 8-9% and we receive more home insurance claims for disasters such as fires, liquid leaks from frozen pipes, burst pipes from overheated heating systems, damaged gutters due to falling snow or ice from roofs, and often greenhouse structures cannot bear the weight of snow. Not all of these risks can be completely eliminated, but there are things we can all do to reduce the chance of damage to our homes!

- Check the condition of the roof to make sure it can bear the weight of the snow.

- Clear snow from the roof regularly to prevent its weight from damaging the roof structure and forming dangerous icicles.

- Keep driveways and sidewalks clear to prevent snow from compacting and to keep your yard safe to move around.

- Purchase sand or de-icing materials - if you suddenly get icy roads, you can grit the sidewalk and paths to protect yourself and others from falls.

- Make sure your gutters are in good condition - if they are full of dirt, they will form ice "plugs" in winter.

- If your house has a metal roof, install a snow barrier at least over the front door and garage. Snow slides easily off sloping metal surfaces, but a barrier will help prevent it.

- Drain and turn off outdoor water taps to prevent pipes from freezing or bursting in cold weather.

- Get home insurance - it will help you if snow or frost causes damage to your property.


3. Avoiding Winter Injuries

Injuries and accidents are also seasonal - in our experience, people are more likely to get injured in winter in two ways: first, by falling on slippery pavements (resulting in wrist injuries, broken bones in the forearm or lower leg, ankle fractures and dislocations, concussion) and second, by winter sports (skiing, skating, sledging).

- Enjoy winter safely - wear a helmet and other safety equipment when skiing or snowboarding and do not overestimate your abilities! Remember that you can also get seriously injured if you slide down a hill, so make sure you do it in a safe place, free from trees, rocks and other obstacles.

- Keep your children safe - all safety rules apply to the little winter fun-lovers too, even if they do not think so themselves.

- Be cautious – watch your step and look out for falling snow or - pedestrians in the city especially need to watch out for slippery pavements and snow and ice falling from roofs, so keep your eyes open and pay attention!

- Consider Winter Combo insurance , which covers accidents, equipment damage, theft, and third-party liability. Besides, there is one insurance policy for your whole family!