All necessary risks are covered
Luggage taken an unexpected detour
Remote doctor consultation from anywhere in the world
Illness before the trip
Medical expenses during the trip
Losses caused to others
Now available in App
What others say
Strādā finanšu nozarē
Strādā finanšu nozarē
While traveling with my family, my daughter's stroller was damaged at the airport. I was very pleased that Balcia travel insurance covered the incident, and submitting the claim through the app only took a few minutes.
Balcia ātrā un operatīvā rīcība, lai nogādātu meitu mājās no nometnes ārzemēs, mani tiešām nomierināja – man nebija stresa, jo zināju, ka par visu parūpēsies.
Marta's mom
Marta's mom
Paldies par iejūtību, atbalstu un aktīvu darbību, lai nogādātu mūsu meitu mājās no neizdevušās nometnes ārvalstīs
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Why Balcia is your best choice?
No deductible applies
Most activities are included in the standard coverage
Compensation paid within 5 days (follow up via Balcia APP)